In the deepest sleep one night I dreamed that on the beach I walked. God was by my side each step, and quietly we talked. Then on the sky my life was flashed, the visions all serene. Two sets of footprints in the sand, were there in every scene. But then I noticed in some scenes, of suffering,pain,and strife...... Just a single set of footprints, at the worst times of my life. " said you'd stay by me- in good times and in bad.... Why then did you leave me- each time my life was sad?" "My precious child," God answered, "When your life had pain, I knew, The single set of footprints, were the times I carried you." copyright 1984 Kent Brown יצאתי בעקבות... העקבות! לטייל בעולם הדמיון, ולחשוב על אנשים שטיילו שם מי הם? האם טיילו בגפם? אולי עם כלבם?ואולי עם אהוב ליבם?. או סתם יצאו למצוא מרגוע לנפשם? מי הם האנשים ללא מילים? הדוממים? | ||
יום שבת, 12 בפברואר 2011
עקבות בחול.
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תגובות לפרסום (Atom)
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